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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Reflections on Ethical Violations

Violations of the public trust or violations of ethics by anyone in the public sector are difficult from which to recover. The loss of trust from the public not only damages an individual’s professional reputation and career progression, but more importantly it damages the district’s ability to serve the students of the district in the most efficient manner. When district employees cast shadows of doubt on the ethical operation of the district, taxpayers, voters, and parents begin to question every decision. Unchecked, this distrust will lead to resistance from voters whose support is needed to raise tax revenues to fund facilities and targeted district initiatives designed to meet the needs of the students of the district. When a district leader takes a position of responsibility in expending taxpayer funds, they must administer the programs with the utmost transparency and honesty. They must strive to avoid even the appearance of unethical behavior. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent is so very important in all aspects...and ethics goes hand in hand...especially when dealing with the public and money.
